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الأسئلة الشائعة

📸 What kind of photos should I upload to the platform?

We recommend that you upload a variety of photos to ensure that your avatar is as accurate as possible. This may include close-up shots of your face, photos of your profile, and full-body shots. It's important to make sure that your photos are clear and of high quality, and that they do not include any other people or animals. We also recommend that you include a range of expressions, locations, backgrounds, and perspectives in your photos to create the most accurate avatar possible.

👩‍🎨 How similar will the avatar be to my appearance?

The accuracy of your avatar will largely depend on the number and variety of the photos that you provide. The better and more diverse the photos are, the easier it will be for the AI to understand and replicate your facial and bodily characteristics. As a result, your avatar will be more likely to closely resemble your actual appearance!

💰 Is it possible to obtain a refund?

It is possible to obtain a refund for purchases made within the first 14 days, as long as you have not yet trained the AI. However, once the 14-day period has passed or if you have already used the service (by clicking on the train button), you will no longer be eligible for a refund.

Please ensure that you upload a sufficient number of high-quality photos to avoid disappointment with the generated avatars!

🖼 What will happen to my photos?

You may delete all of the photos and datasets associated with the studio by deleting the studio from your account. Once the studio credits have been exhausted, the model will be automatically deleted within 24 hours.

To request that your account and all associated data be deleted, please send an email to support@photoshot. Please note that by deleting your account, you will no longer have access to any of the data or content associated with your account.

Please be aware that only the data on Photoshot servers will be deleted. Data that was transmitted to Replicate will not be deleted. You would have to contact them in order to do so, according to theirTerms of Service.

الأحكام والخصوصية

الأسئلة الشائعة
